Global Initiatives of Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew (eBook, EPUB)

Global Initiatives of Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew (eBook, EPUB) - John Chryssavgis
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John Chryssavgis
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In celebration of the 2021 visit to the University of Notre Dame by Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, as well as the thirtieth anniversary of his election, this groundbreaking volume gathers together and introduces eleven important joint statements from the patriarch, addressing diverse topics from climate change to ecumenical dialogue.As the spiritual leader of 300 million Orthodox Christians worldwide, His All-Holiness Bartholomew, Orthodox Archbishop of Constantinople-New Rome and Ecumenical Patriarch, has long been a beacon for strengthening interreligious and interfaith dialogues on the world stage. This volume assembles eleven joint statements initiated by the ecumenical patriarch with prominent global Christian leaders, including Pope Francis, Pope Benedict XVI, Pope St. John Paul II, Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby, and Archbishop Ieronymos II. It also includes Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew's address at Notre Dame upon receiving an honorary doctorate.The statements address a wide array of pressing issues, including human rights, the environment, support of migrants, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the relationship between the Orthodox and Roman Catholic churches, frequently referred to as "e;sister churches."e; The book contains a foreword by John I. Jenkins, C.S.C., president of the University of Notre Dame, and an introduction by John Chryssavgis, which provides an overview of the ecumenical patriarch's long ministry and powerful vision, illustrating his significance both within the Orthodox world as well as on the world stage. Beyond its testimony to the patriarch's longstanding commitment to interreligious and inter-Christian dialogue, this collection of joint statements has the added benefit of gathering these all-important texts into one convenient place for the first time.



Climate Change: An Ecumenical Imperative

Joint Statements

1. On the Importance of Dialogue
with Pope John Paul II in Rome (1995)

2. A Code of Environmental Ethics
with Pope John Paul II in Venice and Rome (2002)

3. Dialogue of Charity
with Pope John Paul II in Rome (2004)

4. Dialogue of Truth
with Pope Benedict XVI in Istanbul (2006)

5. Anniversary of a Milestone
with Pope Francis in Jerusalem (2014)

6. Confirmation of Common Witness
with Pope Francis in Istanbul (2014)

7. Climate Change and Human Health
with Archbishop Welby in Istanbul and Canterbury (2015)

8. Responding to the Refugee Crisis
with Pope Francis and Archbishop Ieornymos in Lesvos (2016)

9. Standing up to Modern Slavery
with Archbishop Welby in Istanbul (2017)

10. World Day of Prayer for Creation
with Pope Francis in Rome and Istanbul (2017)

11. A Universal Appeal for a Global Challenge
with Pope Francis and Archbishop Welby in Rome, Istanbul, and Canterbury (2021)



Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew is the 270th archbishop of Constantinople. He is the spiritual leader of Eastern Orthodox Christians worldwide.

John Chryssavgis is the author of numerous books and a theologian serving as archdeacon of the Ecumenical Patriarchate and advisor to the ecumenical patriarch on theological and environmental issues. He is the author of Bartholomew: Apostle and Visionary, the official biography of Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, and, most recently, Creation as Sacrament: Reflections on Ecology and Spirituality.

John I. Jenkins, C.S.C., has served as the University of Notre Dame’s seventeenth president since 2005. In this role, Father Jenkins has devoted himself to fostering the university’s distinct place in academia, the church, our nation, and the world.

Pope Francis is the leader of the Catholic Church. He was born Jorge Mario Bergoglio in Argentina and was elected the 266th pope of the Catholic Church in 2013.

Pope Benedict XVI (1927–2022) served as pope of the Catholic Church from 2005 to 2013. He was widely recognized as a brilliant theologian and spiritual leader.

Pope John Paul II (1920–2005) was the leader of the Catholic Church from 1978 to 2005. He was the second longest-serving pope in modern history and was canonized as Pope Saint John Paul II in 2014.

Archbishop Welby is the 105th Archbishop of Canterbury, the principal leader of the Church of England and the ceremonial head of the worldwide Anglican Communion.

Archbishop Ieronymos II is the Archbishop of Athens and All Greece and the primate of the Autocephalous Orthodox Church of Greece.

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Schlagwörter zu:

Global Initiatives of Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew von John Chryssavgis mit der ISBN: 9780268205577

RELIGION / Christianity / Catholic; RELIGION / Christianity / Orthodox; RELIGION / Christian Church / History; SOCIAL SCIENCE / Sociology / General; Archbishop Ieronymos; Archibishop Justin Welby; Catholicism; Christian unity; Ecumenical dialogue; Ecumenism; Istanbul; Notre Dame; Orthodoxy; Pope Benedict XVI; Pope Francis; Pope John Paul II; Rome; climate change; climate crisis; ecology; human trafficking; refugees; theology; Religious Studies, eBooks-Center



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