You need to read it because once you do, you will see that the Paleo Diet is undoubtedly the best diet for you. There are no special pills; no calorie counting or portion control and you do not have to starve yourself for days and nights to keep fit.
All you need to do is eat in a similar pattern as your cavemen ancestors. These are foods you’ve adapted the ability to effectively convert into energy.
Today, 25% of America’s population is suffering from metabolic syndrome-they are unable to convert food into usable energy effectively.
The painful truth is that many have been eating this way all entire lives and don't have an idea how bad their body really feels. These people are surviving but they are far from thriving.
Once you adopt the Paleo Diet, you’ll see the difference a healthy diet can make you feel. It will beautifully change your life!
In the stone age, they didn’t have any of the sweet temptations that exists in our world today. There wasn’t cookies, chocolate, ice cream, cakes or pies all over the place, pleading to be devoured.
In today’s world, it is hard to abstain from these sweet temptations for long, but not to worry, you can make use of prehistoric ingredients to prepare some of your favorite desserts that is dairy, gluten and refined sugar-free in a healthy way.
If you are searching for some fantastic creative paleo-friendly treats to indulge in as you like, a celiac patient/lactose intolerant, looking for foods your kids can eat along with you or you just simply want to eat food with healthy ingredients, this is the perfect cookbook for you!
The recipes are fast and easy to put together and oh, they are tasty too. Can’t forget that!
Make low carb, guilt-free paleo and gluten-free desserts with this book. With DELICIOUS PALEO DESSERTS, you can be sure to have your cake, brownies, cookies etc and eat them as well.
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Schlagwörter zu:
Delicious Paleo Desserts von Victoria White mit der ISBN: 6610000003020
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